import java.awt.*; public class object104 extends object1{ public Sound squick; public Image image1; public Image image; private Image image3; // 'Calculated'image private Image origbackground; public int other=-1; public int other2=-1; int cc=0; // Calculaged public object104(){ methods[0]="hit"; methods[1]="event1"; methods[2]="event2"; methods[3]="event"; methods[4]="resetevent"; objnumber=104; // objnumber=1; } // // Used to show the changed image // if we use parent image it will not show anything different // public Image getImage(){return image;} // Use super to use the parent methods public void init(Global glbl){ super.init(glbl); image1=global.loadImage(global.Server, global.Directory+"104"+global.Extention,; image3=image1; // Make sure there is no image .. if there is an image it will 'ruin' the display // when we walk over it image=null; //,0,62);,0,getNr()); //System.out.println("GetBack: "+other2); // When used with background we have to calculate the offset it has // Our tile height is one greater than the location on screen! if(global.STEPP == 1){ other2+=(global.WIDTH*global.STEPP); } // if(other>-1){;,300,300); int x,y; // // changeBackground uses different offsets .. so re-calculate other2: // extra complicated // AND HOW ABOUT CORNER ACTIVATIONS???? // if(global.STEPP==1) cc=other2; else{ //System.out.println("other2: "+other2); y=other2==0?0: (int) Math.floor((other2/(global.WIDTH*global.STEPP))/global.STEPP); //System.out.println("y = "+y); int t=((global.WIDTH*global.STEPP)*global.STEPP); int www=y*t; int ddd=other2-www; //System.out.println("(W*S)*S:"+t+" Y*t: "+(ddd)); //System.out.println("pos:"+pos+" - ("+ddd+") : "+ ddd+"needs to be divided by stepp(5)"); x=(ddd)/global.STEPP; cc=(y*(global.WIDTH*global.STEPP))+(x*global.STEPP)+global.WIDTH; } //System.out.println("cc: "+cc);,origbackground, cc); // } } public void execute(){ if(method.compareTo("hit")==0) hit(); if(method.compareTo("event")==0) event(); if(method.compareTo("resetevent")==0) resetevent(); } public void hit(){ super.hit(); System.out.println("Hit FIXED arrow to the LEFT!"); // go right global.teammove=1; global.teammovex=-1; global.teammovey=0; global.teamkey=global.LEFT; /* if(other > -1){ if(global.playsound); if(global.grid.get(other)==62){ image3=image2; global.grid.set(other,1); } else if(global.grid.get(other)==1){ image3=image1; global.grid.set(other,62); },origbackground, cc); global.boardrow=-1; global.boardcol=-1; global.boardwidth=-1; global.boardheight=-1; global.doboard=true; } */ } public void resetevent(){ super.resetevent(); } public void event(){ switch(state){ case 1:event1();break; case 2:event2();break; } } }